Tuesday, February 05, 2008


The toes on my left foot have been plaguing me lately and I feel like cutting them off. I used to get chillblains in the UK a lot especially in winter time, but it's hot over here now and what I have now is fairly similar; itchy but burning and more like water blisters. I thought it might be the pool but can't see why really. Then I thought it could possibly be gout (there's a lot of it about over here) but a quick surf indicated that it probably wasn't (the internet really is a hypochondriac's paradise) Anyway gout sounds far more painful - and affects the joints - apparently you can't even bear to have a bed sheet lightly pressing upon a gouty toe - they get that sensitive. Plus gout seems to be affected by diet. I only eat two-legged meat for a start (bar the odd rasher) and I don't drink red wine or spirits only pinot. Maybe it is the swimming. Hmmm. I should try lavender water tinged with pink - but that didn't do the Pobble much good...


Facety said...


Anonymous said...


well at least I update my blog!

Elinor said...

Can't be gout - you aren't Henry VIII. Replace the water in your pool with asses' milk and release your inner Cleopatra.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the municipality (or the other swimmers) would approve Elinor & Cleo just left me bingowings..

Jon said...

Gout used to be the rich aristo's affliction caused by drinking too much Port. According to the newspaper the other day it's making a major comeback in the UK due to the serious alcoholism.

I seize up in cold and damp weather...

Elinor said...

I hear you on the bingo wings! I don't wear a habit for nothing, you know...

VW said...

I get chillblains - on my fingers. Hurts like hell!

My sympathies whatever it is - hope your toes are better by now (I'm a bit late to your post!